Our Guys Sample Reel
When we release our film, we'll screen it nationwide and internationally as part of a social impact campaign.
Our events will feature short documentaries on "the next generation," connecting families with our story.
We aim to ignite community awareness and discussions, driving efforts to build a more inclusive world for people with Down syndrome, autism, neurodivergence, and their caregivers.
Be a part of this transformative movement—let’s make a difference together.
Timeline of Our Film Journey:
Winter 2019 - We began our journey to make this film.
Spring 2020 - Production plans were disrupted by the onset of Covid-19, impacting our process and the lives of our subjects. Filming proceeded slowly using iPhones and phone interviews.
Summer 2021 - Our first official shoot with a full crew took place. We created a "funding sample" to share with our families and potential backers. This sample represents the footage obtained up to that point.
July 2023 - With the support of nearly 500 Inner Circle Funders, we returned with a full crew and gathered the majority of the footage needed for our story.
August 2024 - Editor Spiro "Spike" Lampros joins our team and we work to a rough cut by Mother's Day 2025.
Now through Spring 2025 - We are working hard in post-production to achieve a final cut. Our immediate goals are to raise funds to complete post production and to complete the story.
Current Focus:
Ongoing Fundraising - We are seeking both philanthropic donors and investor partners to help close the funding gap.
Finalizing the Film - Our aim is to complete the film within the next 12-18 months, focusing on integrating all footage and filling in necessary elements.
Raising Awareness - Our film aims to highlight the experiences and challenges of caregivers and serve as a resource for families navigating this path.